
Single-walled water bottle with handle and screw-on mouthpiece.
- Capacity: 850 ml
- Dimensions: Ø 7.3 x 25 cm
- Material: aluminum
- Colour: white/green
- Video how to print a Bidon/water bottle (maintain the above temp/time)
To prevent melting of plastic edge:
- Tumbler press : keep the plastic part outside the press.
Oven: wrap the plastic edge with a strip of silicone mat (fold the rest inwards into the bottle), tape in place.
Time: 7 minutes
Temperature: 165 degrees.
Then (do not hold it by the plastic edge) immediately let it cool in a bowl of cold water.
Important information:
- This product is dishwasher safe, but the print will remain beautiful longer if washed by hand.
- Sublimatievoordeel uses and has experience only with the brand Craft Express. The indicated time and temperature is an indication as this can vary per press.
- For problems with other brands, please contact the relevant dealer.
Any blurring or discolouration of the print is not due to our products but to the press.
- Check the press with an infrared thermometer to see if the set degrees are correct. For an oven, do this with an oven thermometer.